These programs are made possible by our volunteer PTSA members that work with our supportive administration on scheduling students, teachers, and speakers.
PTSA is able to support these programs through our parent and business donations.
Drug & Alcohol Prevention
Featured Speaker
Kacy Benson has been to Bowie campus many times. He is a motivational and inspirational speaker that moves the students to listen, to feel and even to even ask questions or ask for help.Each spring Kacy speaks to Bowie Seniors. He highlighted our #StandUpBowie slogan, run by our Student Leadership, and introduced two Bowie survivors who spoke about being hit by a drunk driver. Thanks to one of our parents, the mangled car was parked in our courtyard so that our students could see 1st hand the consequences of driving while under the influence.
Talking with Parents:
How can you reach your kids? Kacy will talk with parents about reaching kids & helping them to make the right choices.
"You're one choice away from a different life"
by Kacy Benson
February 2014, PTSA sponsored this personable speaker that focused on drug prevention. He shared laughs as well as dark and personal stories involving drug use with the student body.
Bowie administration supported this 3-day program that touched the whole student body.
To help support this program so that it is a yearly event - click here
Lives changed by a DWI crash
Four 2014 Bowie High School Graduates were involved in a shocking automobile accident at the corner of Slaughter and Mopac. The students were hit by a drunk driver. News station KVUE and the graduates and families involved, put together a short video story about the wreck, about driving safe, and about recovery and consequences. It is a moving, powerful and educational video for all to watch.
These sites have information about the important issue of underage drinking:
Texas penalties for under-age drinking
MADD, Mothers Against Drunk Driving
2 Young 2 Drink, from the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission
Call the anonymous, toll-free hotline at 1-888-THE-TABC
Parents: Don’t be a Party to underage drinking KNOW THE LAW! In Texas, a person may provide alcohol to a minor if he or she is the minor’s adult parent, guardian or spouse, and is visibly present when the minor possesses or consumes the alcoholic beverage.
IT’S AGAINST THE LAW TO: make alcohol available to a person younger than 21 (other than your child) even in your own residence, even with their parent’s permission.
IF YOU BREAK THE LAW: you face a maximum penalty of one year in jail, a $4,000 fine, and an automatic suspension of your driver's license for 180 days. Upon conviction, you can be held civilly liable for damages caused by the intoxication of a minor younger than 18 if you knowingly provided alcohol or allowed the minor to be served alcohol on property owned or leased by you, and they, in turn, hurt someone, hurt themselves or damage property.
THINGS YOU CAN DO AS A PARENT: Refuse to supply alcohol to youth, be at home when your child has a party, make sure alcohol is not brought into your home or onto your property by your child’s friends, talk to other parents about not providing alcohol at events your child will be attending and create alcohol-free activities in your home.
Students: UNDERAGE DRINKING IS AGAINST THE LAW! If you’re UNDER 21, it’s a CLASS C MISDEMEANOR to: possess or consume alcoholic beverages, purchase or attempt to purchase alcoholic beverages, misrepresent your age to obtain alcoholic beverages, be intoxicated in public, drive while having any detectable amount of alcohol in your system
CONSEQUENCES: Class C Misdemeanor, punishable by a fine up to $500, alcohol awareness course, community service, driver’s license suspension or denial. If you are 17 or older, on the third offense, the fine increases to $2,000 and/or up to 180 days in jail, in addition to driver’s license suspension.