Parents and Students - below are several resources on Texas Schools, Online Education, financial aid, college admission, and more.
Below are several resources that might be helpful to a parent and/or student in need.
Learn the warning signs that a student or loved one is struggling with mental illness.
NAMI Austin - Visit its website for complete resources for students, parents, families facing mental health crises or helping others who are struggling. Download a list of its local services.
NAMI Education - Free courses designed to provide information, insight, and support to families, professionals, and individuals living with mental illness
Comprehensive list of resources in Greater Austin providing support and information about domestic and child abuse, eating disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, health & human services, education, child care, pregnancy, LGBTQ services, counseling, financial assistance, immigration legal services, children with special needs, other legal aid and medical care.
Visit the Bowie Counselor's Page
Students can choose FIT sessions offered from JBHS Counseling team. Students can sign up in the FIT portal for the session titles listed. (They know how to do this.)
Did you know...
there is an in-house counselor available to our Bowie students dealing with mental health struggles? It is funded by the district, and the counselor is provided by Vida Clinic.
To use this service, call
512-841-4185. It is walk-in, and parental consent will need to be done prior to a full assessment. A parent can call and refer their child directly.