Bowie Blast - Week of October 29
All Region Choir Congrats… Bowie hosted the TMEA Region 18 All-Region Choir Auditions and we had 24 students participate in the...

Bowie Blast -- Week of Oct. 22
Special Olympics Medalist… Congratulations to Sophomore Javier Carmona on his accomplishments at last weekend's State Special Olympics...

Bowie Blast - Week of Oct. 15
Cross Country Successes… A big congratulations to our teams as they competed in the 2017 District XC Championships. The teams came out...

Bowie Bulletin Update - Homecoming 2017
BOWIE HOMECOMING DANCE Saturday, October 21, 2017 from 8 pm – 11pm For All Students! Parents – we cannot do this without your help. All...

Bowie Blast, Week of Oct. 8
Congratulations to band students who competed in the region jazz auditions… . Advanced to Area and made the top region jazz band: Jacob...

Bowie Blast, Week of Oct. 1
JBHS Outdoor Performing Ensemble Marches On Culinary Students Certification Exam JBHSOPE in BOA Austin... Our Bowie marching band placed...